Teleport objekt Slovenija

Osredotočeni na prihodnost in tehnično pripravljeni v tem hitrem in nenehno razvijajočem se digitalnem svetu.

Objekt in njegova celotna infrastruktura sta bila zgrajena in dokončana leta 2009.

Certificirano podjetje s strani Svetovnega združenja teleportov. Svetovno združenje teleportov ponuja edini certifikacijski program za Teleporte na svetu, ki zajema objekte, tehnično infrastrukturo in operativne postopke.

Širok vidni lok 80°E - 55,5°W, ki dosega vse glavne satelite, in več kot 80 RX/TX anten zagotavlja izjemne zmogljivosti za oddajanje in sprejemanje signalov na vseh celinah po vsem svetu.

STN zagotavlja globalne telekomunikacijske storitve v frekvenčnih pasovih C, Ku in DBS.

STN has PoPs in all major data centers in Europe and is further connected with fiber networks spanning worldwide. Our fiber network empowers high-quality performance through redundant and diverse routes around the globe.

We optimize IP solutions ensuring a secure, efficient, and cost-effective option for content delivery. High-speed internet capability of up to 10G and more on demand.

STN remains a leader in operations due to continuous upgrades and technical investments, ensuring readiness for growing demands in channel turnaround, content distribution, and urgent projects.

Technical solution

Inspired by technical possibilities empowered by achievements.

Service solution

Maximising service solutionspossibilities.
Minimising turnaround time.


Shaping the digital future with our forward-thinking approach.


Shaping the digital future with our forward-thinking approach.

Providing Broadcasting Excellence through our Years of Experience and Extensive Expertise.


Delivering your content with the Power of Premium Innovative Solutions.

TN ima širok doseg, zmogljivost in fleksibilnost, ki so potrebni za odpiranje dobičkonosnih novih trgov, generiranje novih prihodkov in zagotavljanje najbolj varnih in zanesljivih komunikacij kjerkoli na svetu.

Posvet s strokovnjaki
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