Osredotočeno na prihodnost in tehnično pripravljeno v tem hitrem in nenehno razvijajočem se digitalnem svetu.
S temeljem, ki temelji na strokovnem znanju in globokem razumevanju področja, se je STN pojavil kot zanesljiv in zaupanja vreden partner za stotine izdajateljev televizijskih programov in lastnikov vsebin z vsega sveta.
Established in 2004, STN has evolved into a Leading Global Teleport.With a foundation built on expertise and a profound understanding of service requirements and customer support,STN has emerged as a reliable and trusted partner to hundreds of broadcasters and content owners worldwide.Our unrivaled service turn-around time meets the demand for time-dependent projects and all are supported 24/7 by our team of dedicated professionals.We continue expanding our offerings to meet the ever-increasing demands of our fast-paced digital world, bringing new and innovative solutions to clients.
Brezhibno jih vodijo od začetnih faz do dokončanja paketov storitev
V središču infrastrukture je najnovejša tehnologija, ki zagotavlja varne, zanesljive in neprekinjene visokokakovostne storitve.
Building long-term relationships is the foundation of our business. At STN the client is paramount and their trust is essential to us.
We are dedicated to delivering our services to the highest standards, never sacrificing quantity over quality.
Unparalleled infrastructure and systems security and back up ensure your content runs seamlessly and protected.
We pride ourselves on our unrivalled service turnaround time. We never cut corners but shave time to get your service where it needs to be!
Obrnite se na nas za poizvedbe, priložnosti za
partnerstvo ali morebitna vprašanja.
Odkrijte vznemirljive karierne priložnosti in bodite del
naše dinamične in inovativne ekipe.
TN ima širok doseg, zmogljivost in fleksibilnost, ki so potrebni za odpiranje dobičkonosnih novih trgov, generiranje novih prihodkov in zagotavljanje najbolj varnih in zanesljivih komunikacij kjerkoli na svetu.
Posvet s strokovnjaki